A film created by Totem Creative in association with Oxfam India. Our team took charge from early scripting stage to the final film with the sound mix.
Talking about gender justice in India is a very sensitive subject. This film was mainly for Oxfam's volunteers to present to women and men in the rural and semi-urban sectors. The challenge for us was to nail down the essential aspect of gender equality – mindset. We had to make sure we provoke thought and through it, action. To us, many of these situations were already widely criticised in mainstream media; but whilst working closely with Oxfam, we realised that as obvious as it might seem, this mentality is deep rooted in our culture and desperately needs to be addressed.
The film is a mix of traditional hand-drawn animation and digital 2D animation. The pre-production process took about 3 weeks, and the production took another 3 weeks. This was a hugely rewarding experience for us, and it has resonated and had a strong impact with the masses. The film has been officially selected at international festivals and won a few in 2018-19.
We also designed some posters for the campaign which would be used for Oxfam India's on-ground campaign activities. It was imperative that the film and its collaterals would appeal to rural as well as semi-urban Indian masses.